At QLD Compliance Solutions, we specialise in compliance for all types of workplaces. WH+S policies and procedures, training, reports to management and building a robust and resilient safety-first culture.
Making safety front of mind for all staff effectively makes the entire workforce “Safety Officers” which encourages proactive and consistent participation which intern leads to incidents and near misses.

Safety in General Businesses

No matter what business you’re in, under Australian WHS/OH&S legislation all businesses are legally obliged to:

  • Provide safe work premises for employees, contractors, visitors and volunteers under their control
  • Assess risks and implement appropriate measures for controlling them
  • Ensure safe use and handling of goods and substances
  • Provide and maintain safe machinery and materials
  • Develop safe working processes for work undertaken by workers under their control and make sure they have the appropriate qualifications to undertake their tasks
  • Assess workplace layout and provide safe systems of work
  • Provide a suitable working environment and facilities
  • Consult, train and induct workers under their control
  • Have the appropriate insurances in place.

How can QLD Compliance Solutions assist you to remain compliant?

The pillars for an effective WH+S strategy are:

  • Easy – The best WH+S systems are easy for staff to use, easy for management to administer, and easy for regulators to audit. This is the first element of our WH+S systems.
  • Accessible – An online or cloud based system which can be used anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Simple – Employees can log into the system and keep up to date with policies, procedures, changes to relevant legislation and standards along with inductions and contractor compliance.
  • Efficient – An online WHS and automated system. If something is due or needs to be actioned, the relevant person is alerted via email or SMS.

Incident Management

Employees can be exposed to a range of risks which can cause injury including slips, trips and falls and manual tasks.

How can QLD Compliance Solutions help with these issues?

  • Develop an incident Register to identify, analyse and correct hazards to prevent the recurrence of injuries in the workplace.

  • Use the Checklist Register to undertake a risk assessment checklist, develop and manage controls.

  • Use the Policy and Procedure Register to make sure administrative measures to control workplace hazards are in place.

  • Use the E-Learning Module to make sure all employees are inducted and trained on workplace safety.

  • Use the Plant and Equipment Module to make sure items are properly maintained.

Employee Management and Inductions

Staying on top of employee information and certifications can be tiresome. Especially in industries where employees are required to have a large number of certifications.

How can QLD Compliance Solutions solve these issues?

  • Use our Employee and Contractor Modules to keep track of your employees certifications. The system will alert the administrator and employee when their certification is about to expire so it can be updated.

  • Use the E-Learning Module to induct and train employees in your workplace safety processes.

Policy and Procedure Management

Every business, no matter the size, is required to have WHS policies and procedures in place to effectively manage and address particular issues and hazards.

How can QLD Compliance Solutions solve these issues?

  • Use the Policy and Procedure Register to make sure administrative measures to control workplace hazards are in place.